Ubuntu Single Sign On Client 1.1.1

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Ubuntu Single Sign On Client
Natalia Bidart
Release registered:
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last downloaded 52 weeks ago
Total downloads: 35

Release notes 

[erelease] v1.1.1


View the full changelog

[ Alejandro J. Cura <email address hidden> ]
  * Call the dbus mainloop thread init (fixes LP: #656545).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  Added the new dbus iface to the executable. Deprecated a few Dbus constants.

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  Adding a new DBus iface to manage credentials with flexible API (LP: #653113).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  Replace twisted gtk reactor with the standard gtk mainloop. (LP: #655327).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * The TC browser will not be shown until the TOS page has been loaded. A
  spinner is shown in the mean time (LP: #620456).
  * The TC browser does not allow link navigation other than the TOS page (LP:

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Terms and conditions label is now translatable. Added a button to be able
  to browse the TC (LP: 654534).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Moved logic from DBus SSOCredentials module into a self-contained, DBus
  agnostic module called 'credentials' (LP: #653113).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Isolating SSO login processor into a separated module (LP: #637204).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Cleanup code and modules to prepare the code for the DBus API refactor.

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Made entries name to be unicode to avoid a faulty capitalization when using
  turkish locale (LP: #652939).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Workaround for LP: #467397 (when using turkish locale, decimal module
  import fails).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Added encoding declaration on every file. Fixed error passing from GUI in
  GTK signals (LP: #652318).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Avoiding calling a callback twice for buttons (LP: #652248).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Removed unneeded assert sentences and replaced with warning logging when
  necessary (LP: #649317).

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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