DockbarX x.0.43

Milestone information

Matias Särs
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last downloaded 43 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,881

Release notes 

Media buttons, DockManager helpers and logging system.


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- Media buttons. All music players that shows up in ubuntus sound menu (in other words mediaplayers that uses mpris2 - that includes Spotify Linux Preview that doesn't show up in ubuntus sound menu) has play/pause, previous and next buttons. You can disable them from preference window.
- DockbarX now supports helpers via DockManager. You have to install DockManager and enable it from dockbarx preference window before you can use it.
- Prism applications are separated from each other instead of being grouped together now.
- Small visual changes to window list and group menu. The look when using DockbarX without compositing is imporved a bit.
- DockbarX uses it's own log now. When reporting bugs, include the file ~/.dockbarx/log/dockbarx.log (or any other of the numbered log files in that directory depending on how many times you restarted dockbarx since the bug last occurred). I hope this will help us catch a lot of small annoying bugs.

Bug Fixes:
- Bug 694866: Windows were reported as Needing attention while they didn't anymore.
- Previews didn't move when windows were closed and were left outside of the window list.
- DockbarX opened wrong file you had multiple files with the same name in recent or most used menu.

Other changes:
- The .py is removed from the files dockbarx_factory and dbx_preference. This is done because Debian rules says you shouldn't use file name extensions in /usr/bin.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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