
eXtended Messaging Services
Clonzc XMS extending the messaging service by providing free and easy service for enterprise and individual. Allowing them to send message to their business partners, customers, family and friend anytime anywhere. Clonzc XMS services are high system performance and capacity, as well as flexibility in service functionality.
Clonzc XMS delivers risk-free migration to different OS and IP environment and supporting multiple protocol and langueges. Clonzc XMS is the most efficient, scalable and highest performing messaging solution available today in the global marketplace.

Clonzc XMS combines a rich and proven feature set with the flexibility of rules-based service logic to provide a complete implementation of a network operator's messaging requirements. Its content provider management features and on-board SMS routing capability provide sustained quality of service for content providers and their customers even in peak traffic situations. The solution supports any combination of mobile network types and has strong on-board alarming, monitoring and reporting capabilities.

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