[ABANDONED] Chromium in deb format with VAAPI support

PPA description

This PPA was abandoned at the end of 2020 and probably won't be updated anymore.
Recommended alternatives: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox

Reasons to drop it:
1) VAAPI (hardware video decoding for Intel/AMD on X11) was the main reason to maintain it. Since version 88 it should be available for all Chromium-based browsers. Copy address bellow to your address bar and check if it's enabled (may work for other Chromium-based browsers (e.g. Brave, Vivaldi, Opera, Edge))

2) Since March 15 2021 Sync wouldn't work because Google denied usage of GOOGLE_API_KEY for anything other than Google Chrome.

3) ARM64 builds probably would be useful for someone but unfortunately I don't have devices to test it.

===Old description===

Chromium in deb format with VAAPI support
* Copied sources from Bionic repository or from "stage for security updates" (https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage)
* Enabled VAAPI components building in debian/rules and debian/control
* Enabled VAAPI by default
* Applied additional Fedora patches
    * enable-hardware-accelerated-mjpeg.patch
    * fix-vaapi-on-intel.patch
* Builds for current LTS (Focal, 20.04) and previous (Bionic, 18.04 (with workaround to disable some 10-bit formats because libva is too old))
* ARM64 is not tested
* Currently doesn't work with Wayland or NVidia hardware

Other options for Ubuntu: saiarcot895 ppa (needs GOOGLE_API_KEY which can be extracted from sources of this or "staging" ppa), Brave, ungoogled-chromium.

In order to avoid installation of snap package on Ubuntu 20.04, you can "pin" this PPA with a command bellow:

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin-xalt7x-chromium-deb-vaapi
Package: *
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-xalt7x-chromium-deb-vaapi
Pin-Priority: 1337

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:xalt7x/chromium-deb-vaapi to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xalt7x/chromium-deb-vaapi
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/xalt7x/chromium-deb-vaapi/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/xalt7x/chromium-deb-vaapi/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
Signing key:
4096R/8718D33A1E18AF7EC6416643C5867B73AA69A7C1 (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact xalt7x.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
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Overview of published packages

12 of 2 results
Package Version Uploaded by
chromium-browser 87.0.4280.88-0ubuntu0. (Newer version available) xalt7x ()
chromium-browser 87.0.4280.88-0ubuntu0. (Newer version available) xalt7x ()
12 of 2 results

Latest updates

  • chromium-browser 182 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • chromium-browser 182 weeks ago
    Successfully built