Members of “Ubuntu Release Team”

  • Active members

    There are 8 direct members of the "Ubuntu Release Team" team, and 8 people are members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships.

    18 of 8 results
    Name Member since Expires Status
    Andy Whitcroft 2016-04-19 14:19:27 UTC Approved
    Brian Murray 2020-04-10 00:18:38 UTC Approved
    Graham Inggs 2022-06-28 09:50:49 UTC Approved
    Iain Lane 2011-05-26 21:28:13 UTC Approved
    Stefano Rivera 2011-05-26 21:28:49 UTC Approved
    Steve Langasek 2007-09-19 01:16:41 UTC Administrator
    Utkarsh Gupta 2024-03-15 20:31:49 UTC Approved
    Łukasz Zemczak 2017-10-10 14:20:27 UTC Administrator
    18 of 8 results