As of March, 31st, 2012, the U+1 Team Ownership was voluntarily transfered to the U+1 Team Council.

All members of the council are expected to have read and accepted the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, as well as the Leadership Code of Conduct. According to the U+1 Team plan, the Team Council will be composed by previous team leaders and experienced members. It is responsible for:

- Making sure the team and its members are operating accordingly to its roadmap and to the Ubuntu Code of Conduct;
- Evaluating membership applications;
- Managing team conflicts;
- Representation to the broader community;
- Managing delegation and division of labour;
- Organizing the team reports and making sure to keep its quality and constant flow;
- Recognition of competence and contribution of members;
- Providing advice to team leaders;

Team leadership and governance processes are described in-depth at

U+1 Team:

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Alvaro Leal (Effenberg0x0)
Created on:
Membership policy:
Restricted Team

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