Publishing details


xorg-server (2: karmic; urgency=low

  * Checkout from git 20090522 (master branch) up to commit
  * Only added debian/ tree from origin/ubuntu
  * hook: Disable 13_debian_add_xkbpath_env_variable.diff (fails)
  * hook: Disable 20_hurd-i386.diff (fails)
  * hook: Disable kfreebsd-ftbfs.diff (fails)
  * hook: Disable 0001-xorg.conf-5-refer-to-mousedrv-4-.-Debian-
    394058.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 102_ubuntu_sharevts_load_cpu.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 103_psb_auto.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 135_rethrow_signals.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 140_quell_acpi_errmsgs.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 153_make_dmx_compile.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 156_exevents_copykeyclass_nullptrcheck.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 158_raise_maxclients.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 160_log_timestamping.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 169_mipointer_nullptr_checks.patch (fails)
  * hook: Disable 174_set_bg_pixmap_of_cow_to_none.patch (fails)
  * debian/control: drop depends on xserver-xorg for now
  * hook: disable dmx (fails to build)
  * hook: disable xnest (fails to build)
  * hook: disable xserver-xephyr (fails to build)
  * hook: disable xserver-xfbdev (fails to build)
  * hook: disable kdrive (fails to build)
  * hook: increase inputabiver to 5
  * + Increase build dep versions:
       x11proto-xext-dev (>= 7.0.5),
       x11proto-input-dev (>=,
       x11proto-dri2-dev (>= 2.1)
  * + Change dri check to gl to get around mesa not installing dri.pc
  * + Drop ChangeLog install in debian/rules (Unshipped)

 -- Robert Hooker (Sarvatt) <email address hidden>   Fri, 22 May 2009 07:38:01 -0400


Package files

No files published for this package.