Publishing details


gnome-power-manager (2.27.2-0ubuntu0sarvatt) karmic; urgency=low

  * Checkout from git (master branch) up to commit
  * Fixes since 2.27.1:
    - Be more paranoid about setting idle in a race
    - Correctly pluralize multiple batteries
    - Setup the reset event before we do the idle action, to finally fix blanking.
    - Use the composite device for getting the global system warning icon
    - Add statistics devices in visually pleasing order
    - Ignore capacity readings of less than 1%
    - Take the battery capacity into account when using multiple batteries
    - Lots of others.
  * Disable 22_xfce_desktop_files.patch (fails)

 -- Robert Hooker (Sarvatt) <email address hidden>   Wed, 17 Jun 2009 00:19:36 -0400


Package files

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