I am Rex Lor, a Filipino educator by profession and an adventurer by heart. I like to explore new worlds from time to time and has recently discovered Ubuntu. Since I work in a school here in the Philippines, my contribution will be to write materials for classroom use. Our school, Escuela de Nuestra Senora de La Salette (http://www.lasalette-online.net), will be migrating to Edubuntu Linux 6.06LTS by the end of 2007. It is my fervent hope that the Scope & Sequence and Syllabus I am working (and will eventually share) will pave the way to creating better materials for schools.

Brief Background of the Project

The Scope & Sequence (and later on the Syllabus) that I will be working is for our Computer Education Subject from Nursery-Kinder-Preparatory to Grades 1-6 & 1st Year - 4th Year High School students. All software that will be used in our Computer Education Curriculum will be based on the default programs in Edubuntu 6.06LTS.

Long-term, I am thinking about writing a Computer Education Text Book for Philippine Schools for Edubuntu, complete with a free CD attached. Currently, there are only a handful of schools using Linux for their schools as most of them are using pirated copies of Microsoft's Windows. Considering these schools' desire to do away with pirated software, since piracy is not a good thing to teach to students, I envision a big market in the future. What's keeping these schools from migrating is that there is no available resource for teaching and adopting Linux in schools.

It is therefore my hope that this project would be a beginning of a collaborative effort towards slowly integrating Linux in the educational system of the Philippines. I firmly believe that to be able to make an effective long-term paradigm shift, we must start where the seed is planted.

Most of my thoughts and results will be posted in my blog: http://rexosophy.blogdrive.com.

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