I am Linux fan since 1997, using and administrating Linux networks. I have been using GNU/Debian for several years as my choice for servers and nowadays I started to use Ubuntu as my default desktop since 2006. In the last months I got involved with a new project called Phantom. Phantom is a small live CD system to create and restore images of your partitions and I have created a small and quick SDK to generate the Phantom live CD based only in the programs installed in host machine.

I am interested in embedded Linux, networking administration, Linux servers, Pyhton and C programming. I received BS in Electrical Engineering at UNIFEI (Itajubá/MG - Brazil, 1996) and master/doctor degrees at Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte/MG - Brazil, 1998 and 2002 respectively). At that time, my research was related to intelligence computational, including support vector machines and neural networks.

Currently, I am working as a research and development electrical engineer at Smar Equipamentos Industriais LTDA, located at Sertãozinho/SP - Brazil.

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