Greetings, Ubuntu community!

I am Carlos Andres Maestre Reyes, born in the vibrant Barranquilla,Colombia but forged my academic path in the cosmopolitan city of Medellin. About 14 years ago, I discovered the fascinating world of Linux and its countless benefits. Since then, I have turned my passion for the open source philosophy into a career, applying Linux principles in my studies and in every step of my professional path.

Outstanding Contributions:
Currently, I am an active member of Flisol Medellin, where I have not only had the honor of sharing knowledge as a speaker, but also lead the task of managing and coordinating the experts who participate as speakers, working side by side with my wife, Wendy Amaris, who is a tireless co-founder of our community.

My mission is to bring together the best speakers to share their experience and knowledge, thus fostering learning and the dissemination of ideas in our community.

In addition, I am the proud founder, along with my wife Wendy, of LinuxBQ, the first Linux community in my hometown, Barranquilla. Under the name Linux Barranquilla, we have built a space where Linux enthusiasts can meet, learn and collaborate. I am also an active member of the Ubuntu Colombia community, contributing and participating in initiatives that promote the use and dissemination of free software.

Commitment to the Community:
My dedication goes beyond the lines of code. I constantly seek opportunities to share my passion and knowledge about Linux, guiding others to the freedom and power of open source software.

Future Goals:
My commitment to Ubuntu does not stop here. As a member, I aspire to continue contributing to the growth and strengthening of our community. I plan to continue promoting Linux adoption, facilitating collaboration among members, and sharing the benefits of open source software with a wider audience.

I'm excited to continue to be an active part of the Ubuntu family and contribute to the future of open source software!

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Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:
English, Spanish
Time zone:
America/Bogota (UTC-0500)
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