The team has been formed to gather as much up to date information as possible about building gaming PC's purely for gaming on Ubuntu. Rather than building a gaming PC for Windows and then installing Ubuntu. The information will be collated and published on a website I currently maintain. I haven taken the lead from the myriad of websites that exist on the internet about gaming PC hardware and builds and specifications, unfortunately these are all aimed at Windows users with some hardware proving to be rather tricky to get operating properly under Linux.
The idea being that you do not need a high-end Windows based PC build, but instead you can have a high-end Ubuntu based PC build that will perform just as well as any rig gaming either with Wine or natively. PC Hardware is always changing and I have noticed a preference amongst some members of the Linux community to run Linux on older PC's, I want to show gamers everywhere that you can indeed build a PC for Ubuntu, where everything 'just works' and can be gamed on pretty much flawlessly from day one when you start to research what parts you want for your new PC build!
I live in Townsville Queensland and am more than happy to help people in the surrounding area with Ubuntu PC builds, unfortunately this is limited to Far North Queensland in Australia, although please feel free to join and share any hardware info you have or contact me using the address provided.

And here is where all acquired information shall be collated and updated:
If you love PC Hardware and building PC's especially with gaming as its main purpose then this group would love to welcome you to join!

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Andrea Newson
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