I'm a web developer living in St. Charles, MO. I would say that my linux skills are intermediate. I've been playing with linux for a few years, but nothing serious. I started getting more serious with the release of Ubuntu 5.10. I dual-booted my pc with 5.10 and I've been using it ever since. At work, I use Windows exclusively. I'm currently running Vista and 7.04 at home. Running Vista is speeding my process for moving over to linux completely. I really just am not very fond of it.

One of my holdups is that I still do some gaming every once in a while. And as we all know, linux doesn't support some of the games out there.

I really want to start messing around with some programming for linux. I've downloaded MonoDevelop and have been playing around with it. My experience with C/C++ is limited, so for now I'll stick to C#. I need to start learning Python, because that would open up some more doors on linux for me.

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