Members of “DeadUbuntu Community Team”

  • Active members

    There are 30 direct members of the "DeadUbuntu Community Team" team, and 189 people are members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships.

    130 of 30 results
    Name Member since Expires Status
    Alfredzo Nash 2007-10-22 20:53:33 UTC Approved
    Christian Werschlan 2007-08-03 12:44:12 UTC Approved
    Damiano Di Carlo 2008-05-03 14:09:09 UTC Approved
    Dan Menssen 2006-06-29 00:46:51 UTC Approved
    Daniel Voicu 2008-03-03 20:25:57 UTC Approved
    enubuntu 2008-01-02 17:41:34 UTC Approved
    finux 2008-06-21 11:22:29 UTC Approved
    Hippy Randall 2008-03-31 08:34:08 UTC Approved
    Ionuț Jula 2008-04-22 13:04:12 UTC Approved
    JerrySantos 2007-06-21 19:48:19 UTC Approved
    João Antonio Santana 2008-02-26 22:02:18 UTC Approved
    Justin M. Wray 2007-08-15 03:08:03 UTC Approved
    Kẏra 2007-06-25 13:38:11 UTC Approved
    Luca de Pasqua 2008-03-29 16:14:05 UTC Approved
    Mads Peter Rommedahl 2007-09-05 12:05:49 UTC Approved
    Mario Young 2007-09-30 22:24:40 UTC Approved
    maruscia 2008-02-15 23:03:43 UTC Approved
    merry2010 2008-02-20 22:26:44 UTC Approved
    NU Ubuntu Team 2006-12-25 17:48:42 UTC Approved
    Omri Strumza 2007-10-02 18:07:22 UTC Approved
    P. Steven Lorenz 2008-01-06 02:35:50 UTC Approved
    Peter Cruickshank 2007-11-07 02:01:47 UTC Approved
    Philip Paquette 2007-05-27 15:01:16 UTC Approved
    Roy Lee Wright 2008-05-01 04:42:30 UTC Approved
    rynoon 2007-10-01 09:23:23 UTC Approved
    sachinkajekar 2007-10-18 14:28:37 UTC Approved
    SageMassa 2007-05-22 02:13:23 UTC Approved
    Sh 2008-02-26 18:02:07 UTC Approved
    Teo 2008-03-11 15:54:02 UTC Approved
    Tommaso Bianucci 2008-06-07 10:10:59 UTC Approved
    130 of 30 results