Publishing details


firefox (3.6.4+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~armel1) lucid; urgency=low

  * New upstream release v3.6.4 (FIREFOX_3_6_4_BUILD1)
    - fix LP: #469752 - KDE/Gnome startup notification not disappearing
      when app window is up

  [ Micah Gersten <email address hidden> ]
  * Rebase patch after upstream landing of Lorentz branch
    - update debian/patches/bz460917_att350845_reload_new_plugins.patch
  * Drop patch after upstream landing of (bmo: 544481) aka
    Build fails on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx using 'dash' shell
    - drop debian/patches/fix-build-glitch.patch
    - update debian/patches/series

  [ Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> ]
  * AppArmor:
    - add read access to /etc/xul-ext/**, now needed by adblock

  [ Chris Coulson <email address hidden> ]
  * Create checksums for NSS libraries to make FIPS mode work (LP: #559881)
    - update debian/rules
  * Build with --enable-ipc on amd64, i386 and armel. These are the only
    architectures where OOPP is supported. Build with --disable-ipc on all
    other architectures
    - update debian/rules
  * Fix LP: #513887 - Install the plugin-container binary for OOPP support
    when building with --enable-ipc
    - update debian/rules

  [ Alexander Sack <email address hidden> ]
  * fix LP: #443147 - Firefox on ARM inappropriately adds scroll bars to many
    frames and images; this is a workaround that forces -O2 for the whole
    mozilla tree build on armel; the scroll bar only manifests on lucid toolchain
    when using the upstream optimization flag mix
    - update debian/rules
 -- Chris Coulson <email address hidden>   Fri, 16 Apr 2010 23:08:25 +0100

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files