Hi. I'm just an Ubuntu user. I'm a school ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher in Chile, but unfortunately I can't say more because, you understand, Chilean society is not very open to gay teachers. I guess the same happens everywhere, doesn't it? That's also why I'm not posting my mugshot here.
I helped in the translation of Amarok into Spanish some time ago and am planning to devote more time to translation at Launchpad soon. Ich kann auch ein bisschen Deutch sprechen, weil ich diese Sprache etwa 15 Jahre vor studierte, aber ich habe vieles vergessen, weil es gibt niemand hier mit dem ich üben kann! :(
I started using Ubuntu in 2006 and haven't left it ever since. I continually promote the use of Linux among my students.
I think it's great to have a GLBT group of Ubuntu users. Otherwise, how could I tell the world that Mark Shuttleworth is absolutely HOT??!! :) Besides, I think we gay users share a taste for stability, beauty and freedom, and all these are fundamental in Ubuntu. I love to customize my Gnome desktop. I love to share with the community and I'm delighted to know that I'm contributing to a freer future for those little guys I'm teaching to. I remember the most exciting thing I used to do to with that OTHER OS was updating the antivirus!
What could we do to help spread the use of Ubuntu among other GLBT communities? I'll start getting in touch with that kind of communities and let you know what happens.
Hasta la vista, babies!
By the way, Fernando is my middle name, but I absolutely prefer to be called by this.

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Icon of Ubuntu Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
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