Zope 2 2.3.3

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Zope 2
Sidnei da Silva
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Release notes 

Building and installing Zope from source

  This document describes building and installing Zope on Unix.
  We will provide Windows instructions in later releases. We
  will also provide binary releases for some platforms.

Important notes


   See CHANGES.txt for important notes on Zope 2.0.

Quick Start

  If you are impatient, the following commands should get you up and
  running with Zope 2 using ZServer and ZODB 3 on Unix::

    python w_pcgi.py # Note, this must be Python 1.5.2

  The first command builds and adjusts Zope. Take note of the user
  name and password output at the end of this command. You will need
  these to manage Zope.

  If you get errors indicating that addresses are in use, then you
  will have to supply arguments to z2.py to change the ports used for
  HTTP or FTP. The default HTTP and FTP ports used by ZServer are 8080
  and 8021 respectively. (See the help for the z2.py script by running
  z2.py with the -h option for more information on how to specify
  different ports)

  You can then connect to Zope 2 by directing your browser to::


  where yourhost is the name or address of the machine running Zope 2.
  If you changed the HTTP port with the -w option to z2.py, then use
  it rather than 8080.

  You will be prompted for a user name and password. Use the user name
  and password output above.

  Now you're off and running! You should be looking at the Zope management
  screen which is divided into two frames. On the left you can navigate
  between Zope object and on the right you can edit them by selecting
  different management functions with the tabs at the top of the frame.

  If you haven't used Zope before, you should head to the Zope web site
  and read some documentation. The Zope Manager's Guide is a good place
  to start. You can access the Zope site at:


  Have fun!

Building Zope

  There are some python scripts in the top-level directory that should
  help you get started. You must run these scripts from the top-level

  If you want to try out Zope in the simplest fashion using ZServer,
  then run the script wo_pcgi::

    python wo_pcgi.py

  If you want to use PCGI and an existing web server run w_pcgi::

    python w_pcgi.py


    * You should be using Python 1.5.2 to run the build scripts.

    * The python you run Zope with *must* have threads compiled in,
      which is *not* the case for a vanilla build. When you build the
      python you'll use, 'configure --with-threads' does the right thing.

    * To build python extensions you need to have Python configuration
      information available. If your Python comes from an RPM you may need
      the python-devel package installed too. If you built Python from source
      all the configuration information should already be there.

    * If you just want to use Zope components it's not necessary to build Zope
      but it's a good idea since it will compile Python C extensions for you.

    * You can use PCGI and an existing web server if you use ZServer.

Starting Zope with an existing web server

  See the WEBSERVERS.txt file for more information about configuring Zope
  with an existing web server.

Running Zope

  There are two ways to run Zope:

  - You can use ZServer, the integration of Zope and Medusa. You must
    use ZServer if you want to use multiple concurrent threads.
    ZServer is a server application that supports multiple protocols:

      o HTTP -- ZServer is a Web server

      o FTP -- ZServer is a file-transfer protocol server. This
        allows you to use FTP-enabled publishing systems with Zope.

      o PCGI -- PCGI is a lightweight protocol for forwarding
 requests from other web servers, like Apache or Netscape, to
 Zope. This makes it possible to use web server features like
 connection encryption or logging with Zope.

      o monitor -- ZServer has the capability to allow you to access
        the Python interpreter directly over a network channel. If
        you intend to use this, please read the 'DEBUGGING.txt'
        document for more information.

    With ZServer, you must start Zope manually using the z2.py script.
    Typically, the command used to run the z2.py script will be put in
    system startup scripts.

    ZServer is the prefered way to run Zope.

  - If you *only* want to use PCGI and you don't need multi-threaded
    operation, you can have a special program, the pcgi_publisger,
    start Zope for you. See the WEBSERVER.txt file for details on
    using Zope with an existing webserver.

  If you wish to enable Zope logging you must specify options on the
  command line. See LOGGING.txt in the doc directory.


View the full changelog

Zope changes

  This file contains change information for the current Zope release.
  Change information for previous versions of Zope can be found in the
  file HISTORY.txt.

    Zope 2.3.3

      Bugs fixed

        - TextIndexes which called methods expecting an argument failed
          with a TypeError. This was fixed by extending an exception

        - A security issue having to do with setting permission mappings
          on ZClass methods was fixed (this supersedes Hotfix-2001-05-01)

        - Fixed problem adding propertynames with spaces (Collector #2206)

        - Plugged a memory leak in extensions. There are often circular
          references in code generated by Python's "exec" statement but
          with a small change extensions now break those references.

        - Fixed a long-standing bug in FileStorage that made it so
          versions were only partially committed.

        - Collector #2291: fixed cookie path in Zope Version Control

        - Collector #2305: A comma inside an optional parameter of the
          parameter string broke the ZScriptHTML_tryParams function of

    Zope 2.3.2

      Bugs accidentally fixed :)

        - Fixed missing html_quote attribute inside some DTML methods
                  (Collector #2170)

        - Fixed logging output to the compatible with the Common Logfile
          Format specs (Collector #2188)

    Zope 2.3.2 beta 2

      Bugs fixed

        - Fixed Catalog "object does not support item deletion" bug.

    Zope 2.3.2 beta 1

      Bugs Fixed

        - Catalog field index bug fixed.

        - Fixed several places where filesystem paths were assembled
          in a non-portable way.

        - Fixed some places in SimpleItem that assumed that the object
          was an Acquirer.

        - Fixed layout problem in StandardCacheManagers/dtml/propsRCM.dtml
          (Collector #2152)

        - Fix bug in AcceleratedHTTPCacheManager. Sended HTTP headers
          were depending on locale settings (Collector #2142)

        - GoLIVE is unable to handle some empty properties send from
          the Zope's WebDAV server. (getlastmodified is no more send
          when they are not available for an object)
          (Collector #2150)

        - added globbing support for the FTP server

        - added support for fetching recursive listings from the FTP server
          (needed by ncftp)

        - fixed handling of broken objects in the WebDAV server

        - An ambiguous timezone alias (CDT) was removed from DateTime.

        - It was not possible to pass 'class=...' to the tag() method
          of Image objects because 'class' is a Python reserved word.
          Image.tag() now accepts an optional 'css_class' argument
          that is turned into a 'class' attribute on the resulting tag
          to work around this.

        - Fixed various places where the right tabs were not highlighted
          after form submissions.

        - The code that produces the data for the security settings
          form included a misleading default ('Manager') that could
          make it looks as though Manager had a permission in a
          subobject when that permission had actually been denied
          in a higher level object. This only affected the form
          generated, not the actual security settings in effect.

        - The textarea resizing buttons for DTML objects and scripts
          were not preserving work done in the text area during the

        - Some changes were made to the implemenation of User.allowed(),
          which will make it less expensive to do local role matching
          and also resolves an issue noted in the
          UserProgrammableSecurityObjects proposal on dev.zope.org.

        - A problem in the bytecode munging done by Python scripts
          that could cause a core dump was fixed.

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