Zeitgeist Framework 0.5.1 "Spongebob is not funny"

Milestone information

Zeitgeist Framework
Code name:
Spongebob is not funny
Siegfried Gevatter
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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1 Markus Korn, 4 Seif Lotfy, 1 Siegfried Gevatter
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
2 Invalid, 3 Won't Fix, 3 Fix Released

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Release notes 

2010-09-09: Zeitgeist 0.5.1 "Spongebob is not funny"


 - Don't use the return value of Extension.post_insert_event() when
   dispatching the post insert hooks. The post_insert_event() method
   has no return value.
 - Initialize ZeitgeistEngine after RemoteInterface, so that --replace
   does its job before the main engine and extensions start (LP: #614315).
 - Added support for queries on the Subject.Storage field of an Event
   (LP: #580364).
 - Some optimizations in the find_events() method. Also the profiling
   data is much more useful.

Python API:

 - Check arguments of Event.new_for_values() and Subject.new_for_values()
   (LP: #580372).
 - Redefined the result of TimeRange.always(), UNIX timestamp "0" is now
   the left corner of the interval (LP: #614295).
 - Added a new helper module called zeitgeist.mimetypes which basically
   provides two functions (LP: #586524):
    * get_interpretation_for_mimetype(), which tries to get a suitable
      interpretation for a given mime-type.
    * get_manifestation_for_uri(), which tries to lookup a manifestation
      for the given URI.
 - The DataSource model now provides easy access to the information it
   holds through properties.


 - The tool to build our ontology now supports rdflib2 and rdflib3
   (LP: #626224).
 - Added "make check" and "make doc" commands to the rootlevel Makefile
   (LP: #628661)
 - Translation updates.
 - Updated test suite.
 - Documentation updates.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 8 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
624611 #624611 Add incognito flag to Zeitgeist 5 Low   3 Invalid
616859 #616859 implement new method find_events_templates_for_sets 6 Wishlist Seif Lotfy  3 Invalid
596070 #596070 Build Python module for all versions 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
597632 #597632 Exporting the "related items" functions to an extension 4 Medium Seif Lotfy  4 Won't Fix
614706 #614706 missing extension folder 5 Low Seif Lotfy  4 Won't Fix
586524 #586524 Add mimetype and interpretation helper utils to public API 4 Medium Markus Korn  10 Fix Released
614315 #614315 fts extension fails to load 4 Medium Siegfried Gevatter  10 Fix Released
513295 #513295 Give zeitgeist.datamodel.DataSource properties 5 Low Seif Lotfy  10 Fix Released
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