Registered by Zuke

A portal for multimedia content related to the Zeitgetist Movement.

This website serves as a repository for art, videos, presentations, posters, graphics, writings and other content related to the Zeitgeist Movement. The material posted on the website is used to support the efforts of Zeitgeist Movement Chapters and Teams, expose the public to ideas and concepts related to the movement, and allow users to share their multimedia with others. The project is being developed by the Zeitgeist Movement Programming Team.

Version 1 of this site will use the Joomla 1.5 platform and implement a very basic feature set.
The feature set is kept limited in order to maintain a swift development timeline and a short-term v1 release.
Wishlist items will be postponed for a later release. Later releases may or may not use the Joomla platform.

The core of the project is the jSeblod CCK component which facilitates the creation of custom content types. (Originally FlexiContent was chosen, but the frontend content submission is still in development and not yet functional).

Involvement in the project requires a basic working knowledge of the Joomla architecture, along with experience in one or more of the following:
1) Joomla 1.5 programming (components, modules, plugins, templates)
2) Joomla 1.5 API
3) jSeblod CCK administration & plugin building
4) Beta Testing and Bug Tracking

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1.2 series is the current focus of development.

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