Comment 31 for bug 285305

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

Martin, sorry, I was just copying what you specified in your comment #25...

Regarding the upstream version, as comment #28 from the upstream developer points out, this patch carries the change which fixes the actual driver. The upstream changes were this one fix, plus a lot of autoconfage change meant to set the VALUATOR define. Near as I can tell, those autoconf changes do not actually work (neither in the upstream tarball that I tested, nor in my extraction of the autoconf settings).

However, in analyzing what the autoconf changes were attempting to do, it's just to enable the define when xserver 1.4 or newer is in use. Since our package already has a hard dependency on xserver 1.4, our patch is safe to just force the define directly.