Comment 9 for bug 1172101

Revision history for this message
Mark Russell (marrusl) wrote :

Perhaps it wasn't overcautious after all. Surprisingly, I ran into problems attempting to install from a mini.iso built with a modified wget-udeb. At first I thought it may have a been a quirk of saucy. I thought maybe daily quality didn't extend to the mini.iso... I hoped! But then I replicated the issue on precise.

Here is the process I used:

- download wget source
- modify line in debian/rules to make udeb binary /usr/bin/wget (not wget.gnu)
- build binaries
- download d-i source
- put new wget-udeb into build/localudebs
- modified build/pkg-list/base to include wget-udeb (I'm told this was needless)
- build binaries
- install KVM machine using build/dest/netboot/mini.iso
- drop to shell and confirm that calling `wget` runs GNU wget.
- witness eventual failure retrieving packages (bsdutils is the first to fail every time. syslog below.)

When I went back and did the same thing with a stock version of wget-udeb added, the install worked. Again, I dropped to shell and confirmed it was busybox responding to `wget`.

This doesn't seem right. We know that debootstrap works fine with GNU wget. That's probably the most common way it's used. The other strange part is that only some of the packages fail to download; many others are retrieved just fine.