Comment 8 for bug 642343

Revision history for this message
arl (arl) wrote :

arl@arl-eeepc:~$ sudo dkpg-maintscript-helper
[sudo] password for arl:
sudo: dkpg-maintscript-helper: command not found
arl@arl-eeepc:~$ sudo -s
root@arl-eeepc:~# dpkg-maintscript-helper
Syntax: /usr/bin/dpkg-maintscript-helper <command> <parameters> -- <maintainer script parameters>

Commands and parameters:

  supports <command>
 Returns 0 (success) if the given command is supported, 1

  rm_conffile <conffile> [<last-version> [<package>]]
 Remove obsolete conffile.
 Must be called in preinst, postinst and postrm.

  mv_conffile <old-conf> <new-conf> [<last-version> [<package>]]
 Rename a conffile.
 Must be called in preinst, postinst and postrm.

 Display this usage information.