Comment 17 for bug 447961

Revision history for this message
Stew Ellis (ellis-kettering) wrote :

I was able to install the above update. The presence of /etc/apt/preferences with a priority of 400 was, I believe, causing synaptic to hide it. I may also have been confused about the package name. I was looking for cups1.4.2-7, but the ubuntu number still starts out as 1.4.1-5Ubuntu2.2.

Once I got that straightened out then I was able to update with synaptics. I might have been able to do it with aptitude to begin with. Then I mv'ed preferences to preferences-SAVE.

I just printed /etc/hosts and a very simple shell script (#!/bin/sh on one line, simple command on next line) and both printed in the proper 10 cpi courier-looking font. I have not tried printing to a PDF yet.

However, I would like to be able to pass text files directly to the printer without rasterizing it. -o raw doesn't work because LF needs to be changed to CR-LF. Raw text files print about twice as dark as the text files that are rasterized by cups.

Thank you all for at least straightening out the original bug.