Comment 7 for bug 287028

Revision history for this message
James Westby (james-w) wrote :


The patched package fails to show the Control panel, due to the error below.



IndentationError: unexpected indent (, line 166)
IndentationError Traceback (most recent call last)

/usr/share/sugar/shell/view/home/favoritesview.pyc in __controlpanel_activate_cb(self=<_MyIcon object at 0x930a20c (CanvasIcon at 0x954aad8)>, menuitem=<MenuItem object at 0x9632acc (GtkImageMenuItem at 0x9607608)>)
    446 def __controlpanel_activate_cb(self, menuitem):
--> 447 panel = ControlPanel()
    448 panel.set_transient_for(self.get_toplevel())

/usr/share/sugar/shell/controlpanel/gui.pyc in __init__(self=<ControlPanel object at 0x98f13c4 (SugarControlPanel at 0x967e050)>)
     73 self.connect("realize", self.__realize_cb)
---> 75 self._options = self._get_options()
     76 self._current_option = None
     77 self._setup_main()

/usr/share/sugar/shell/controlpanel/gui.pyc in _get_options(self=<ControlPanel object at 0x98f13c4 (SugarControlPanel at 0x967e050)>)
    217 tmp = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
    218 mod = __import__('.'.join(subpath) + '.' + tmp, globals(),
--> 219 locals(), [tmp])
    220 view_class_str = getattr(mod, 'CLASS', None)
    221 if view_class_str:

IndentationError: unexpected indent (, line 166)