Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #828316: [GTK3] Navigation bar menubuttons don't look pressed when clicked Low Triaged 443 weeks
Bug #1107824: Not obvious how to access payment support from the UI Medium Triaged 531 weeks

From: Spencer
Link: lp1107824.patch

Bug #617397: "Fonts" department is empty on new Ubuntu installation Undecided Triaged 557 weeks
Bug #1196740: not all package install failures generate a crash report High Triaged 568 weeks
Bug #1032732: Network connectivity check pings network location, not hostname Undecided Confirmed 615 weeks
Bug #955402: Recommendations on their own screen are differently ordered from the home screen Low Triaged 635 weeks
Bug #635074: Custom list controls flicker when changing search string Medium Confirmed 683 weeks
17 of 7 results