Comment 2 for bug 288116

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Mathias Gug (mathiaz) wrote :

Approved by colin on IRC:
17:57 < radix> hi all, I've nominated a small, upgrade-breaking bug with patch
               for intrepid: bug #288116
17:57 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 288116 in landscape "python-smartpm file
                overwrite with smartpm-core" [Low,New]
17:57 < radix> oof, good timing
17:58 < radix> as I understand it, I need to get a member of the release team
               to look at it?
18:03 -!- ogra_ is now known as ogra
18:07 < cjwatson> radix: approved the nomination, please get a sponsor to
                  upload that ASAP
18:07 < radix> cjwatson: thank you very much
18:07 < radix> will do
18:07 < mathiaz> radix: I'm on it :)
