Comment 7 for bug 330322

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Wladimir Mutel (mwg) wrote :

I would also skip asking to select a profile if screen is run with '-m' option. Or may be, when $TERM is not set.

I had a headless remote system behind a NAT which ran something like 'screen -d -m ssh -R ... exthost' in its startup scripts (more exactly, in cron @reboot line for certain user), to eastablish a port forwarding so that I could access it inside NAT connecting from 'exthost'.

Once I had upgraded from Intrepid to Jaunty, having installed recommended screen-profiles package during the course.
To play well by your current rules, I had either to run screen from under that user and select a profile for further use,
or, to remove screen-profiles package before a reboot.

Anyway, then I was not so omniscient and experienced in upgrade to Jaunty and all surprises this ensues,
so after the reboot I have lost this screen-ssh which once made reverse tunnel for me,
losing the access to the system 120 km away from me,
and there is not much people whom I could ask to do the proper thing at this place.

So, I would like very much is screen-profile wrapper don't ask to select a profile is there is '-m' option in screen command line,
or if there is no $TERM variable in the environment.

Don't know if it is worth to create another bug for my request, hope that reopening this one will suffice.