Comment 12 for bug 650539

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Alejandro Cuervo (a-cuervo) wrote : Re: Launching QT apps such as SpeedCrunch, keepassX, Lucky Backup, Pencil, Stellarium, skype chrashes Xsever

Chris, I am indeed running a 3 monitor setup, with the nvidia proprietary drives and Xinerama enabled.
I was beginning to suspect Xinerama, but had doubts since it was working ok on 10.04.

First a little bit of history:
My multi-monitor setup has always given me trouble since I added the 3rd monitor. Two were always perfect with twinview.
When I added the 3rd, I had to switch to Xinerama because It was the only configuration I could make work. When I upgraded to 10.04 everything continued to work well, except for the occasional X crash, due to this bug
Hoping to completely fix that bug I upgraded to 10.10RC because it had a newer version of Xserver. That bug seems to be fixed (I think), but now this QT bug appears. It seems that I will never get back a perfect running 3 monitor setup. :(
Multi-monitor configurations (3+) under Linux are very complex, hope someone can tackle this soon.

Any how, back to this bug, for the sake of testing I disabled Xinerama and indeed the problem went away.
Having Xinerama disabled is not a solution since it renders the whole multi-monitor setup pretty much useless. Not being able to drag windows from one monitor to another is simply not acceptable.
Not sure what changed from 10.04 to 10.10 that started this, so now I am not sure if this bug is a QT bug, a Xinerama Bug, an Xserver bug, or an Nvidia-Propietary drivers BUG.
Anyone can shed a light on this?

I am also attaching my xorg.conf file for documentation purposes and hopefully for someone to review it.