Comment 11 for bug 499314

Revision history for this message
Jean-Baptiste Lallement (jibel) wrote :

SRU Verification

I can' reproduce the problem neither in Karmic or Jaunty. I installed only python2.6 and python-psyco and python-psyco installs cleanly and is usable.

However there is the following odd thing in your log file, the version of python-minimal and libpython2.6 doesn't match:
python-minimal (2.6.4-0ubuntu2)
libpython2.6 (2.6.4-1ubuntu2)

So this error was either a transient error due to the unstable nature of the alpha release or a problem with python-central or a system specific error. Moreover I haven't found any duplicate (excepted unanswered python-central reports)

Did you have a local version of python installed somewhere on your system (e.g /usr/local/) ?
Otherwise, could you please provide a recipe to reproduce this error ?

Thanks in advance.