Comment 11 for bug 1876506

Revision history for this message
lunix (bob-l-lewis) wrote :

I apologize if this is not relevant to this blocking bug. I am trying to help a friend.
Machine is dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 Has Extended Partition where Ubuntu went into Parition 5. Machine worked fine with 18.04. Tried upgrade offered to Ubuntu 19,04 which failed and won't no longer boots to Ubuntu selection from GRUB but Windows still boots. Tried a fresh install of 20.04 which resulted in:

error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found.
Entering rescue mode...

So won't boot either OS now.

I am hopeful to do a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04-5 next in hopes that the machine will work again. Attached is the Disk partitioning table if this is of interest.