Comment 25 for bug 291564

Revision history for this message
Stephan Trebels (ncubede) wrote : Re: [intrepid] network manager does not blacklist/unmanage mapped devices in managed=false mode

The current subject line addresses the more important part of the issues, i.e. the inconsistent behavior.
With this fix, managed=false should consistently let things alone, if eth0 and eth1 are listed in iface or mapping.

We did not yet understand or debug the reason, why NetworkManager does not even start properly
during my boot process if I have managed=false. It seems to be half-functional, triggered by a race,
and that's a problem in itself. I guess, I'll (as an experiment) try gdb first and then use tracing syslog
to nail this one. It should be a separate bug, though.

P.S. the more I think about it, the more I believe, that a mapping in /etc/network/interfaces indicates,
that this is a well-known device, so unmanage_well_known should apply. It is a pity network manager
can not be configured to be completely inactive even for not-well-known devices, maybe that should be
an enhancement request...