Comment 8 for bug 587345

Revision history for this message
Jean-Baptiste Lallement (jibel) wrote :

SRU verification for Lucid:
I have reproduced the problem with ncrypt 0.6.4-0ubuntu3 in lucid and have verified that the version of ncrypt 0.6.4-0ubuntu3.1 in -proposed fixes the issue. I've verified that the package is available and run the following examples with success:
from ncrypt.digest import DigestType, Digest

sha256Type = DigestType( 'SHA256' )

def calc_sha256( data ) :
    d = Digest( sha256Type )
    return d.digest( data )

md5Type = DigestType( 'MD5' )

def calc_md5( file_obj ) :
    d = Digest( md5Type )
    while 1 :
        data = 65536 )
        if not data : break
        d.update( data )
    return d.digest()

'\x88\xd4&o\xd4\xe63\x8d\x13\xb8E\xfc\xf2\x89W\x9d \x9c\x89x#\xb9!}\xa3\xe1a\x93o\x03\x15\x89'
>>> f=open('/tmp/593990/result02.pdf','rb')
>>> calc_md5(f)

Marking as verification-done