Comment 23 for bug 571093

Revision history for this message
ariel (garcia) wrote :

Hi Nigel, Dustin,

great, thanks!! i installed the two libvirt{0,-bin} packages from Maverick and testing right now.

Sadly the memory leak is still there for me... If i leave the unmodified
in operation the memory usage of libvirtd grows around 15M in 1 minute!!
Removing the 'change' action in 95-multipath.rules of course helps a lot to reduce the leak (in that case kernel/udev trigger "only" two events every 15 seconds with our hardware...).

# dpkg -l | grep libvirt
ii libvirt-bin 0.7.5-5ubuntu27.1 the programs
ii libvirt0 0.7.5-5ubuntu27.1 library for inte

# ps axf -eo pid,%mem,rsz,vsz,sz,state,stime,command | grep libvirtd | grep -v grep; \
sleep 60 ; \
ps axf -eo pid,%mem,rsz,vsz,sz,state,stime,command | grep libvirtd | grep -v grep

25520 0.5 90668 302488 75622 S 14:56 /usr/sbin/libvirtd -d
25520 0.6 106788 303920 75980 S 14:56 /usr/sbin/libvirtd -d
# cd /lib/udev/rules.d
# cat 95-multipath.rules | grep -v ^#
ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="/sbin/multipath -v0 /dev/%k"