Comment 2 for bug 290885

Revision history for this message
Bill Smith (bsmith1051) wrote :

Thanks for working on back-porting this. (P.S. Congratulations on your interview in the Ubuntu newsletter!)

I'm trying to test it on my Ubuntu 8.04.1 setup but I'm not sure what's the appropriate method for updating GRUB. You mention running 'grub-install' against the RAID device (e.g. 'md0') but I had previously run it against the individual drives (e.g. 'sda' and 'sdb'). Does it matter?

Also, does it matter if we've previously tried to patch the 'initramfs' script as previously suggested? In my case, it looks like I have not (on my test system, at least). My main system *does* have the modified script, etc, as outlined on my forum posting circa Ubuntu 7.10,