Comment 3 for bug 889414

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Marsden (jmarsden) wrote :

The default openbox configuration file is at /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml and this comes from the openbox package.

However, Lubuntu package lubuntu-default-settings overrides this and installs a file named /usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml which (apparently) is then copied to every user's ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml

These two sets of defaults in Lubuntu 11.10 are fairly different, making it hard to see what changes to the defaults have really been made for Lubuntu by diff-ing the two files.

Anyway, if you edit the file ~/.config/openbox.lubuntu-rc.xml and add the follow set of lines just before the last two lines (i.e., just before the line </applications>) the run dialog will be dispplayed on top of other apps, and obtain focus. After editing you need to restart openbox (or reboot, if you prefer) for it to take effect.

This needs more testing, especially to see if it does anything strange to other aspects of lxpanel, but so far it looks good. Please let me know if it works for you. I will also attach this change to the bug as a patch.

   <application name="lxpanel"