Comment 2 for bug 613381

Revision history for this message
Colin Ian King (colin-king) wrote :

SRU Justification:

Impact: It has been observed on a AMD K325 netbook that resumes hang in the
BIOS if PCI Express ethernet is enabled on the 2nd or 3rd resume. Disabling
the ethernet has shown that the resume works flawlessly. This has been tracked
down to the fact that a PCI Express Wake event has occurred and the kernel
is not clearing the PM1 PCIEXP_WAKE_STS bit when coming out of resume.

Fix: Clearing PCIEXP_WAKE_STS on resume fixes the resume hang.

Testcase: Without the patch, resume hangs in the BIOS after 2nd or 3rd resume.
With the patch, resume works flawlessly everytime.