Comment 126 for bug 578673

Revision history for this message
Brandon Bell (brandonbell) wrote :

Kernel 2.6.32-24.43 (linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic) did NOT resolve the issue for me on an E6410ATG with Intel graphics running 64-bit Lucid.

Upon resume-from-suspend, my screen is black and backlight is off. I can turn the backlight on by Alt-Up, but the screen remains black. Switching to a virtual console and back does not help. Restarting GDM (/etc/init.d/gdm restart) does not help. I confirmed that the computer is not locked-up.

Booting works fine. Hibernate works fine. Power management is set to blank screen on lid closure, and that works fine as well (screen is displayed after opening lid.)