Comment 10 for bug 457760

Revision history for this message
Chris Chastain (chris-c-chastains) wrote :

Locutus, (love the name by the way i'm a trekkie) I have only ubuntu on my computer. I downloaded the already compiled kernel from ubuntu's kernel backport. I found from one of the bugs you related this bug. I don't know why you have so many partitions. I only use windows in virtualision. I tried every "major" distro" to solve my problem. From Arch to Fedora. Any distro running kernel 2.6.31 has the same problem. Google "ubuntu kernel backports 2009". Find kernel 2.6.32. lastest. Down load all the x64 from another computer save them either on a cd or flash drive and install them in karmic. They are already .deb files. click all three files and yout ready to go. Let me know if I help anymore