Comment 35 for bug 189260

Revision history for this message
Jeffrey Baker (jwbaker) wrote :

Sorry, I didn't realize that "Incomplete" should now be read as "the reporter hasn't personally fixed the problem." It used to mean that the bug report was lacking in some detail needed to verify that the problem exists. That's obviously nonsense in the case where the bug is already verified and fixed upstream, so I must have been mistaken.

If I were on the Ubuntu xorg package team, I would be interested in the following commits from the mesa/drm master branch at

"On many chipsets, the checks for DPLL enable or VGA mode will prevent the
pipeconf regs from being restored, which could result in a blank display or X
failing to come back after resume. So restore them unconditionally along with
actually restoring pipe B's palette correctly."

"In hibernate, we may end up calling the VGA save regs function twice, so we
need to make sure it's idempotent. That means leaving ARX in index mode after
the first save operation. Fixes hibernate on 965."