Comment 40 for bug 217815

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Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) wrote :

To see if this was a problem with the hardware kvm is presenting, I recompiled kvm 1:28-4ubuntu2 (from gutsy) on hardy and used the following:

$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 a1.img 4G
$ kvm -M pc -m 128 -smp 1 -boot d -cdrom /srv/vms/isos/hardy/hardy-server-amd64.iso -usb -vnc -hda /home/jamie/a1.img

(and connected with 'xtightvncviewer localhost:1')

I used lvm+encrypt and after 4 times did not get any hangs. kvm 1:28-4ubuntu2 uses qemu 0.9.0 while kvm in hardy uses 0.9.1. I will continue to do installs and will report back if I get a hang with this version of kvm.