Comment 4 for bug 273600

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Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote : Re: [Bug 273600] Re: jockey-gtk crashed with DBusException in dbus_sync_call_signal_wrapper()

wizard10000 [2008-10-13 9:08 -0000]:
> Wish I could - this was an automated bug report - all I did was reboot
> the machine after switching to closed-source Nvidia drivers through the
> restricted drivers applet.

Ah, and when did you get the crash report? After closing the hardware
driver panel, or after restarting the computer?

That's already a valuable data point. So far I assumed the timeout
would happen during driver installation (as the traceback suggests).

> All I can tell you is that the process hung at 100% so I ended it and
> rebooted the machine

which process exactly? jockey-gtk or jockey-backend?

Do other reporters have similar experience? Does it crash *during*
driver installation for you, or at some later point?

Thanks, Martin