Comment 21 for bug 425552

Revision history for this message
Martin Bartlett (martin-j-bartlett) wrote :

Omer - that is the most developer-blinkered response I think I have EVER read - and I'm a 30-year-experienced techie developer. Jonathan hit most of the points, but I have to readdress the "there's a key" comment of yours. Yes there IS a key, and there is a perfectly simple API that YOU, as the developer, already use to ACCESS that key - so it wouldn't actually take very much to add a preference that SETS that key. In fact, if there IS a user-focused-option like that, then why NOT provide a preference, otherwise its almost pointless making it an option at all.

Hey, even MS wouldn't come up with response like that - "there's a user-focused option in the registry! edit that"!