Comment 20 for bug 425552

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Jonathan Blackhall (johnny-one-eye) wrote :

Sure. The original complaint was that the Indicator Applet Session (indicator-session), which replaced the Fast User-Switcher Applet (FUSA) and the Shutdown Applet, lacks any sort of "preferences" or "settings" that used to be available for users with the previous applets.

To address your comments:
-"as far as a right click menu for settings is concerned thats no where in the spec so 'wont fix'". Just because something is not done or not in the spec doesn't mean it's not a bug. To some users (not necessarily me) it is not only a bug, but a regression, since previous versions of Ubuntu allowed this customization. Design decisions can still be bugs.

-"there are gconf keys to suppress the shutdown, reboot etc confirmation dialogues". This is, for me, a usability bug that highlights a more prevalent underlying problem. I HATE having to click "Shut Down" again after I've already clicked it once in the Indicator Applet Session. It was really annoying with the timer (which was set for a ridiculously long time) too. When this sort of design decision affects literally every user, experienced and not, we need a better solution than editing a gconf key or some command line fu. In fact, over a year ago I vowed not to apply these technical fixes because "everyday users" can't figure them out on their own and usually just assume that Ubuntu is broken or poorly designed (or both). Saying "it's a gconf key setting" is a cop out that alienates average users. Either make it a real option somewhere that can be found, accessed, and understood using a simple GUI or eliminate the option completely and force everyone to live with your decision. With a design decision like this, which affects every user in some way, and is understandably frustrating for some by interrupting their work-flow, an option somewhere needs to be available. So this is a bug. Call it a usability request if you want.