Comment 14 for bug 401446

Revision history for this message
Wiktor Wandachowicz (siryes) wrote :

I'm afraid on Ubuntu Karmic gnome-vfs still affects positions of my desktop icons, but in a little different way.

I try to keep my desktop clean and only put the most necessary things there. Specifically, I have several symbolic links to some interesting directories, where I keep my work files. When I arrange icons on the desktop (like in, say, Ubuntu 6.06 - 8.10) and log out, the next time I log in icons for symbolic links are on the LEFT side of my screen, not on the RIGHT side where I wanted them.

See attached screenshots:
* files-dirs-shortcuts-fine.png - that's what I intend to do
* shortcuts-wrong.png - that's what happens after logging out and logging back in
* test-dir-created.png - after I have created a test directory somewhere on the desktop
* test-dir-moved.png - after moving the test icon, logging out and logging in

It seems like regular files and directories are unaffected, and for some reason only symlinks are treated differently.

I also attached two files from ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata, since I've found the names of my desktop icons there (as well as interesting strings like 'icon' and 'postion').

$ uname -a
Linux hobbit 2.6.31-10-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 10 23:33:50 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

$ dpkg -l | grep gnome-vfs
ii libgnome-vfs2.0-cil 2.24.1-4ubuntu1 CLI binding for GnomeVFS 2.24