Comment 50 for bug 107668

Revision history for this message
ironstorm (ironstorm-gmail) wrote :

Sigh... I was just bitten in the butt by this retardiness ... I changed my volume mount point to 'XP_HDD' for my Windows mount, umounted and tried to remount only to be told "mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPERATOR (usually /)"...

I'm pretty disappointed on 2 counts:
a) something like that has no entry validation to prevent users from putting in stuff it chooses to regard as invalid later
b) there is no way to actually fix the problem using menus or dialogs relating to the FS volume icon

I guess I'll have to go digging through the windows^H^H^H gnome regedit gconf-editor to try to find whatever key holds this thing and fix it... :(