Comment 38 for bug 107668

Revision history for this message
arkmundi (rkerver) wrote :

OK, this last comment from cdaringe on 2008-05-09 fixed my problem - thank you! I'm an Ubuntu noob trying to do some, what I thought were, simplistic things. I got trapped by attempting to change the volume mount point, as described. Then spent the better part of a day, reading forum posts, trying things to fix my problem, etc. before coming to this post. Two things: first, thanks again; second - I'd consider a fix a must in 8.04 LTS. I believe there are a lot of noobs who stumbed into this hole and were trapped until they found a way to claw their way out. FYI, my external USB Seagate Freeagent drive is my data repository and I'm useless without it. Hence, no option for me but claw and claw again.