Comment 39 for bug 589236

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In , Johannes-mueller-lahn (johannes-mueller-lahn) wrote :

>This patch is on my list of things to review. I estimate that it will take me several days of work to do so, since the code is underdocumented, fragile, and I haven't seriously looked at it in years.

I didn't know that the code isn't maintained!

>In case you missed it, the patch was posted a few weeks ago; I was away for two >weeks of that time. Before that, there was a 7-month lag after my last >round of >review comments when nothing happened.

The workaround in openSuSE repos from Wolfgang Rosenauer worked so far, so I didn't check in here as well.

>I _am_ hoping to get to this review in the next week.

Thats great to hear.

>If you want to help instead of just ranting, either take the higher-priority
security bug work off my plate, or take some of the higher-priority reviews at
off my plate. If you can't do either of those, and can't help in some other
way that would free up some of my time (dealing with triage of incoming form
controls, docshell, and xbl bugs, profiling various pageload issues, writing
tests for the run-in section of the CSS2.1 specification, all come to mind as
low-barrier-to-entry ways you could help there), then I'm not sure where your
"I'm entitled to you not sleeping at night and instead reviewing this patch I
happen to care about" attitude comes from.

It's not on you Boris, I know that you're fully loaded with work. It was just a question if this will be ever fixed. You know, in our case were are using a webased groupware system, where nearly 95 % of the email attachments are recognized as application/octet-stream. So without the patch from Wolfgang, it's a real mess to work with firework. So the fix works for 3.X series, but 3.5 doesn't. It's a blocker for me to migrate our network, approx. 100 workstations to a newer openSuSE version with it's new firefox 3.5. I'm not a coder at all, but if I could write code like you guys, I would really like to help you out.

>I'm not sure what you think "mozilla staff" is. This area of code is basically
unowned; some Linux distro folks wrote it and then abandoned it. I really
appreciate Wolfgang stepping up to work on it, and he's the closest to "mozilla
staff" as far as this code is concerned.

Like I said, I didn't know that the code isn't maintained. "Mozilla staff" are the guys like you, who are working on the browser.

I really appreciate the work you do. I just wanted to know if the problems will be ever fixed, because I think 3 1/2 years is a real long time. Sorry for being a lil bit rude.