Comment 15 for bug 447006

Revision history for this message
Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) wrote :

starlights-- these are different issues:

[44536.436967] type=1503 audit(1256933128.953:40): operation="open" pid=15659 parent=15658 profile="/usr/sbin/clamd" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0 name="/usr/local/lib/torsocks/"

this is a problem with your clamd profile. You must edit /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.clamd accordingly. If you feel this is a bug in your profile (debatable, since you are using a locally compiled tor), then please file a bug against the clamav package.

[44807.002448] type=1503 audit(1256933399.524:41): operation="exec" pid=15795 parent=15512 profile="/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.*/firefox" requested_mask="::x" denied_mask="::x" fsuid=1000 ouid=0 name="/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice"

This is a problem with firefox, but against opening staroffice. Please file another bug against firefox-3.5 with steps to reproduce (openoffice is already allowed access).