Comment 35 for bug 565407

Revision history for this message
blackSP (info-wijhenke) wrote :

I'm still having major problems with both the ATI open and proprietary drivers. I can now install and uninstall without the scripts braking but the remaining problems are even less funny.

Having reinstalled Lucid the propriety driver installs out of the box but is not enabled (shown in Admin-Hardware Drivers).
Enabling these appear to do nothing, I can't enable the desktop ('desktops effects could not be enabled').

Disabling the drivers and installing the open fglrx drivers results in desktop effects (even though the 'desktops effects could not be enabled' message appears).

However, booting results in a blurred rainbow colors like desktop. Re-booting: same thing. Fixing X using a live CD: no result, so all that's left now is reinstalling Lucid.

I really think this is a showstopper for Lucid. at least on hardware with ATI HD2400 cards and probably much more...