Comment 42 for bug 435329

Revision history for this message
tekstr1der (tekstr1der) wrote :

Nope. No indicator running whatsoever. But, I've got this working properly on both installs. Two separate sets of issues made this more confusing than it needed to be. I apologize.

Physical machine: uninstalled empathy, removed anything under /home related to empathy, pidgin, haze, purple, mission-control. Reinstalled empathy. Working as expected now.

Virtual machine: Empathy was being blocked via default port 1863 by the firewall at work. Fortunately I am the sysadmin. Most IM clients can dynamically use port 80 these days, so I was a little slow on this. After waiting about 3-4 minutes from launching empathy, the panel icon eventually appeared and I could see there was a network problem.

Thanks for staying with me on this.Now, on to actually using this thing.